

NexusPHP 1.5 beta 4 20100517 Installation
This guide is intended for experienced webmasters and takes CentOS Server 7 as the example. Check out http://www.nexusphp.com for more tutorials.

This project should work on most operation systems where PHP is supported, such as Linux, Unix and Microsoft Windows.
A web server, Apache HTTP Server (v2.2.X tested) preferred. IIS HTTP Server (6.0 tested) should work as well but not recommended.
PHP 5 (v5.2.X and v5.3.X tested). Multibyte String(mbstring), MySQL(mysql), Memcache(memcache), GD extensions are required.
MySQL Server (v5.0.X tested).

PEAR with HTTP_Request2 package. For the feature of IMDb information scraping.
A SMTP server, Postfix preferred. IIS SMTP Server (6.0 tested) should work, too. For sending email.

2.1.Apache web server
2.1.1.install the web server.
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo yum install httpd
# OS commandline ends
2.1.2.edit the configuration file (usually named ‘Apache2.conf’ or ‘httpd.conf’)
on CentOS Server 7:

# configuration starts
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot " "
<Directory " ">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<DirectoryMatch /\.svn/>
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
<Directory " /_db">
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
<Directory " /config">
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
<Directory " /_doc">
Options +Indexes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory " /lang">
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

# configuration ends

Note: replace ‘ ‘ with your own path, e.g. ‘/var/www/nexusphp’

2.2.1.install PHP with all required extensions.
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo yum install php php-gd php-memcache php-mysql
# OS commandline ends
2.2.2.edit the configuration file (usually named ‘php.ini’)
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo nano /etc/php.ini
# OS commandline ends
IMPORTANT: You must turn off the ‘magic quotes’ feature in PHP. It is unfortunately turned on by default with PHP 5.2

; configuration starts
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off
; Optional. Increase it if memory-limit-reached error occurs when uploading large torrent files.
memory_limit = 128M

; configuration ends

2.3.MySQL server
2.3.1.install it.
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo yum install mariadb mariadb-server
# OS commandline ends
2.3.2.edit the configuration file (usually named ‘my.cnf’ or ‘my.ini’)
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo nano /etc/my.cnf
# OS commandline ends

IMPORTANT: Do not set any SQL Modes. This project is not tested to work with them.
# configuration starts
; Optional. Increase it if mysql connection-failure occurs under heavy traffic load.
max_connections = 1000
# configuration ends

2.3.3.with the 1.5 beta 4 release, no installation script comes with the project. So you have to do everything yourself, such as creating a database: to MySQL server
# OS commandline starts
mysql -u yourdbusername -p
# OS commandline ends
Note: replace ‘yourdbusername’ with your own MySQL username e.g. ‘root’ a database.
— MySQL commandline starts
USE yourdbname;
— MySQL commandline end
Note: replace ‘yourdbname’ with your own mysql database name, e.g. ‘nexusphp’. database structure from this project.
— MySQL commandline starts
SOURCE /path/to/project/source/_db/dbstructure.sql;
— MySQL commandline ends
Note: replace ‘/path/to/project/source’ with your own path where you save files from this project. MySQL
— MySQL commandline starts
— MySQL commandline ends

2.4.1.install it.
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo yum install memcached
# OS commandline ends
2.4.2.run it as a daemon.
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
memcached -d -u nobody
# OS commandline ends

2.5.PEAR and HTTP_Request2 package
To save the trouble, a package named ‘Required.Files.From.PEAR’ is available from the website http://www.nexusphp.com. You may skipped the following procedure if you have downloaded that package.
2.5.1.install PEAR basic package
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo yum install php-pear
# OS commandline ends
2.5.2.set preferred package state of PEAR to ‘alpha’
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo pear config-set preferred_state alpha
# OS commandline ends
2.5.3.install HTTP_Request2 package.
# OS commandline starts
sudo pear install HTTP_Request2
# OS commandline ends

2.6.1.install it.
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo yum install postfix
# OS commandline ends

2.7.Restart MySQL and Apache HTTP Server services
For edits of configuration to take effect, services need to be restarted.
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
# OS commandline ends

3.Set up this project
3.1.put all files from this project into the document root of your http server, e.g. ‘/var/www/nexusphp’
3.2.on *nix OS, change files’ access permission to 777
on CentOS Server 7:
# OS commandline starts
sudo chmod -Rf 777 ” ”
# OS commandline ends
Note: replace ‘ ‘ with your own path, e.g. ‘/var/www/nexusphp’
3.3.edit the configuration file (named ‘config/allconfig.php’) of this project

// configuration starts
‘SITENAME’ => ‘yoursitename’,
‘BASEURL’ => ‘yoursiteurl’,
‘announce_url’ => ‘yoursiteurl/announce.php’,
‘mysql_host’ => ‘yourdbhostname’,
‘mysql_user’ => ‘yourdbusername’,
‘mysql_pass’ => ‘yourdbpassword’,
‘mysql_db’ => ‘yourdbname’,
// configuration ends
Note: replace ‘yoursitename’ with your own name of the website e.g. ‘MyTracker’, ‘yoursiteurl’ with your site base URL (without prefixing ‘http://’) e.g. ‘www.nexusphp.com’, ‘mysql_host’ with your MySQL hostname e.g. ‘localhost’, ‘yourdbhostname’ with your MySQL username e.g. ‘root’, ‘yourdbusername’ with your MySQL user password, and ‘mysql_db’ with your MySQL database name e.g. ‘nexusphp’.
3.4.visit your site. Register a new user.
3.5.set yourself the Staff Leader.
Again, you have to do it the dirty way, namely running MySQL query manually.
3.5.1.connect to mysql server
# OS commandline starts
mysql -u yourdbusername -p
# OS commandline ends
Note: replace ‘yourdbusername’ with your own MySQL username e.g. ‘root’, and ‘yourdbname’ with your MySQL database name e.g. ‘nexusphp’.
3.5.2.set your class to Staff Leader
— MySQL commandline starts
UPDATE users SET class=16 WHERE username=’yourwebsiteusername’;
— MySQL commandline ends
NOTE: replace ‘yourwebsiteusername’ with the username you have just registered on the website.
3.5.3.quit MySQL
— MySQL commandline starts
— MySQL commandline ends